Il pianeta condiviso

Il simposio congiunto si pone l'obiettivo di favorire una discussione interdisciplinare e integrata sulle dinamiche e sugli effetti derivanti dalla lunga convivenza tra specie umane e animali sul pianeta. L'impatto delle attività umane sull'ambiente, iniziato nella preistoria con la caccia e la domesticazione di specie animali e vegetali, si è intensificato parallelamente all'evoluzione biologica e culturale, e al conseguente progresso tecnologico. L'espansione territoriale della nostra specie, unita alla crescita demografica e allo sviluppo di attività produttive intensive nell'agricoltura, nella pesca e nell'allevamento, hanno portato a nuove sfide adattative sia per gli esseri umani che per gli animali. Tali processi hanno determinato una trasformazione e distruzione degli habitat naturali a livello globale. Il simposio si propone di integrare le prospettive zoologiche e antropologiche, analizzando dinamiche evolutive e coevolutive.I

Museologia, comunicazione e didattica

Il simposio si pone l'obiettivo di confrontare e valorizzare attività che caratterizzano ambiti disciplinari dell’Antropologia e della Zoologia, tradizionalmente dedicate alla conservazione, tutela ed esposizione di reperti in ambito museale. La peculiarità delle tematiche di ricerca e l'interesse che suscitano in varie tipologie di interlocutori favoriscono inoltre la realizzazione di numerose e diversificate azioni di comunicazione scientifica. Il simposio accoglierà contributi sulle diverse esperienze museali e di comunicazione scientifica, alla luce della normativa nazionale ed europea, e dei principi della scienza ad accesso aperto.

Molecular approaches in contemporary zoology

Rita Cannas – Marco Passamonti

Contemporary zoology increasingly relies on molecular techniques. Molecular data can offer valuable insights into how animals are, evolve, adapt, and interact with their environments.

“Molecular Zoology” integrates “traditional” zoology (organism-oriented) with molecular-based investigations; it includes methods/techniques derived from genetics, biochemistry and molecular biology to explore multiple topics in animal sciences such as the molecular basis of animal traits, their function, development and evolution, as well as their phylogenesis, population genetics, the conservation and management of exploited species, their immunology and diseases control, among others. This symposium aims to bring together scientists working in all areas of zoology that may benefit from molecular approaches in addressing their scientific questions.

Life in extreme environments

M. Cristina Follesa – Piero Giulianiani – Alberto Ugolini

The symposium covers topics ranging from adaptive functional morphology to time and space circumvention, to the biochemical, physiological and behavioural responses required for animal life in highly stressful environments and the challenges presented by foreseeable or unforeseeable environmental variations. The problems related to anthropogenic pressure at global level raise further scientific questions about the possibilities of compensation and plasticity in environments already with very particular abiotic characteristics.

New Frontiers in Zoology: Innovation and Interdisciplinary Synergies

Giulio Petroni – Biagio D’Aniello

A symposium designed to bring together themes and researchers working in zoological fields with interdisciplinary, innovative, and boundary-pushing approaches, exploring emerging and unconventional research areas. Innovative study proposals aim to advance zoology by integrating perspectives from other disciplines, with the goal of broadening understanding of biological, ecological, and evolutionary processes.

Examples of areas of interest include Zooarchaeology (intersecting with anthropology) to study interactions between humans and other animals, including domestication mechanisms; macro- and micro-invertebrates as indicators of soil quality (at the intersection with pedobiology); protistology (close to microbiology) and the role of protists in ecosystems; the use of animals as models in robotics and technological innovations; and urban zoology, which explores animal adaptation in urban environments. The event promotes interdisciplinary dialogue to expand the boundaries of zoology and foster new collaborations.

Ethics, Animal Welfare and the Three Rs

Adriana Canapa – Paola Zarattini

This workshop will address topics regarding Ethics, Animal Welfare and the Three Rs for regulated species (Legislative Decree no. 26 of 2014) and for alternative species used for scientific purposes in basic and applied research. Considering the topics that will be covered, an application for accreditation will be submitted to the Ministry of Health as an event of continuing professional development (CPD provided in the Ministerial Decree of 5 August 2021). The workshop is open to all participants who, if they wish, will be able to obtain the professional training credits necessary to maintain the professional qualification of people working in animal facilities and/or are part of the Animal-welfare body.

In this workshop, speakers will be invited by the Scientific Committee of the congress while participants can present scientific contributions as posters.

Antropologia molecolare

Antropologia dello scheletro e Bioarcheologia

Biologia ed Ecologia umana

